Mental Health Fair at South Brunswick High School, NJ: It was a beautiful morning to be out in the community! Today we spent the day at South Brunswick High School educating the community’s youth on body positivity before a night full of patients at the clinic.
When it comes to nutrition, the world is inundated with bias, diet mentality, fad diets, and misinformation when it comes to health and nutrition. It is our role as Registered Dietitians to change the world’s view on what healthy living truly means: and that starts with our youth.
Health is not restriction. Health is not food elimination. Health is not food rules. Health is not vilifying food groups. Health is not negative self talk. Health is not deprivation.
Health is moderation, balance, and most importantly: self love. We had the students fill out a body positive phrases poster, and for some, it took them quite a few minutes to think of something they loved about themselves.
Once it came to mind, however, they left with large smiles on their faces; that is exactly why we volunteered our time this morning. There is nothing more important than our relationship with ourselves and our bodies: it shapes our world.
Mental health is greatly impacted by how we talk to ourselves and how we fuel our bodies. However, don’t be fooled by the “perfect diet” or “healthy foods”, there is no such thing. Did you know that 95% of our serotonin is created in our gut? The foods we eat LITERALLY shape how we think.
Once again, health is balance, there is room for all foods and food groups. All foods fit. As Registered Dietitians, we will teach you how to create balance to live a healthy lifestyle. Anything other than moderation is restriction, always remember that it is okay to eat what you enjoy.
We can learn a thing or two from our youth. They are open, honest, and willing to share their struggles. Amidst the fair, we were able to provide an emotional eating questionnaire and screen willing participants who felt they may struggle with emotional eating.
To take our quiz, follow this link:
It was a beautiful day in the community spreading our positivity and promoting healthy body image! Mental health matters just as much as physical health. Never forget that all aspects of health matter.
You matter.
Michele Wroblewski-Pflug, RDN
Caruso Physical Therapy and Nutrition, LLC
1278 Yardville-Allentown Road Suite 3
Allentown, NJ 08501
Phone: 609 738 3143
Fax: 609 738 3144