Microwave Oven Day: A Dietitian’s Guide to Nutritious Choices in Frozen Meals

December 6th marks Microwave Oven Day, celebrating the convenience and efficiency of this kitchen appliance. For many, microwave ovens are synonymous with heating up frozen meals. While convenience is appreciated, it’s essential to make nutritious choices when it comes to frozen meals. As a registered dietitian, I’m here to offer guidance on selecting frozen options that align with your health and dietary goals.

1. Check the Nutrition Label:

   When choosing frozen meals, always check the nutrition label. Pay attention to serving size, calories, total fat, saturated fat, sodium, protein, and fiber content. Look for options that are well-balanced and provide essential nutrients.

2. Watch for Sodium Levels:

   Sodium content in frozen meals can be high. Excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and other health issues. Aim for frozen meals with no more than 600-700 milligrams of sodium per serving.

3. Choose Lean Proteins:*

   Look for frozen meals that feature lean protein sources like skinless poultry, lean cuts of beef, fish, tofu, or legumes. Protein is essential for satiety and muscle maintenance.

4. Incorporate Fiber-Rich Foods:

   Meals with a good balance of fiber-rich vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help keep you feeling full and satisfied. Look for frozen meals that include a variety of colorful vegetables.

6. Mind Portion Sizes:

   Pay attention to portion sizes, as some frozen meals may be smaller than you expect. If the portion seems small, consider adding a side salad, extra veggies, or a piece of fruit to round out the meal.

7. Frozen Fruits and Vegetables:

   Consider using your microwave oven for more than just meals. Stock up on frozen fruits and vegetables, which can be a nutritious addition to your meals and snacks. They retain their nutrients well and are often more affordable than fresh produce.

9. Customize and Enhance:

   Don’t hesitate to customize your frozen meal. Add extra vegetables, herbs, or spices to boost flavor and nutrition. You can also pair your frozen entrée with a side of yogurt or a small salad.


Microwave Oven Day is a reminder of the convenience that microwave ovens offer, especially for heating frozen meals. When choosing these convenient options, prioritize nutrition by selecting meals with balanced ingredients, reasonable portion sizes, and mindful sodium levels. With a discerning eye and a commitment to health, you can make Microwave Oven Day a celebration of nutritious and delicious frozen meal choices.